Tuesday 1 March 2011

Magnetic Energy Generator - Read This Before you Purchase!

There has been a lot of talk over the last few years about a magnetic energy generator. What is a Magnetic Energy Generator, I hear you ask?

In laymans terms a magnetic energy generator is a power generator that uses clean energy. There is no need for any combustable fuel to power these generators. They work on what is called perpetual motion.

Remember when you were a kid and you played with magnets and these magnets could make things move and spin? Well a Magnetic Energy Generator works along the same principle as this. The magnets, when started, create perpetual motion. This Perpetual motion is what powers the magnetic energy generator. Once the generator is started the magnetics take over and keep the generator running perpetually.

The energy is then stored in batteries and these batteries is what would be used to power items around your house.

The plans for a magnetic energy generator will show you how to build different sizes of devices, dependant on what you are looking to power. If you want to power a laptop, plasma, fridge freezer or your whole house is dependant on what size of magnetic energy generator you will need.

The company that has released these plans are under a great amount of pressure from the big power companies. The reason is that these companies know that if a lot of people start building and using the magnetic energy generator then the price of their share prices will go down because of lost revenue.

Never has something so powerful been as easily accessible to the public until now.

So the question is do you want to cut your electric bill by at least half? Could you spend that money on something else?

If you answered yes to the above questions then you are ready to build your own magnetic energy generator. Click the link below and secure your copy of the plans today.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think someone really build a magnetic power generator
    In any case - the closest info I could found to build magnet generator was
    this site: http://topmagneticgenerator.com - can someone help here
    and let me know if this is for real?
